SAVE THE DATE: Shrek Jr. performs in the EPS Auditorium on Tuesday, March 18th! Doors open at 6:00 pm, and the show starts at 6:30 pm. Admission is free!
about 20 hours ago, EPSD73
shrek jr pic
Congrats to our Cheer Team for competing in the cheer competition last week at Niles West High School. We are proud of our team's commitment to teamwork and perseverance throughout the cheer season. Thank you to our amazing coach, Ms. Spedale, for everything you do for our students and a great season.
3 days ago, EPSD73
cheer pictures
First-graders received materials to become engineers. Students collaborated with peers to construct cities, houses, and buildings using everyday recyclables.
4 days ago, EPSD73
student pictures
Mrs. Foti’s fourth graders playing Quiz Quiz Trade to determine the theme of stories.
8 days ago, EPSD73
pictures of students
TODAY join the fun at the circus! Come today to EPS for our PTA sponsored circus fundraiser event from 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM, East Prairie will be transformed into a circus complete with a dunk booth, “tattoo parlor,” games, face painting, fortune telling and more!
10 days ago, EPSD73
fundraiser flyer
oin us tonight at 6:30 pm at EPS as we celebrate our Middle School Band with an extraordinary showcase featuring our Symphonic Band and the Concert Band (students in grades 6-8 only). All are invited to this event! Thank you to Mr Berlinghoff for your incredible leadership!
10 days ago, EPSD73
music band picture
Join us TONIGHT at 6:30 pm for Family ART Night part 2- We can't wait to complete the family and community projects we began together last month. #ARTnight
10 days ago, EPSD73
family art night flyer
Last week, our staff had the opportunity to welcome and learn from educators like Tina Boogren and Jen Leimberer on Institute Day. Staff also learned to use the new Community Connection makerspace at EPS thanks to Ms Sarantakis.
10 days ago, EPSD73
institute day pictures
Thank you to our EPS PTA for sponsoring this amazing Cultural Arts performance today. Students enjoyed stories and songs, along with the ability to act out scenes and songs for their peers. Our PTA sponsored events are made possible due to help from our families and community in fundraisers like this Saturday's PTA carnival.
10 days ago, EPSD73
cultural arts pictures
Join the fun at the circus! This Saturday, March 8th, from 11:00AM - 2:00PM, East Prairie will be transformed into a circus complete with a dunk booth, “tattoo parlor,” games, face painting, fortune telling and more!
11 days ago, EPSD73
carnival flyer
Calling all Middle Schoolers!!! Join us TONIGHT -6:00 pm-8:00 pm for Rec Night at EPS.
16 days ago, EPSD73
rec night flyer
The Board of Education’s October meeting will be held tonight and will occur in the Plotkin Boardroom. Please enter through the district office door on main circle drive - the regular meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
16 days ago, EPSD73
board of ed meeting reminder
EPS YOUTUBE: Check out how we spend time ensuring our student's social and emotional well-being, which is essential to our shared work of helping them grow into the fullest and best version of themselves. Click on our SEL video:
16 days ago, EPSD73
social emotional learning clip art
TOMORROW- Come to enroll your PreK or Kindergarten student at our EPS enrollment event. Families can fill out forms to ensure their child a spot for the 2025-2026 school year. This event will occur Saturday, March 1st, from 10:00-1:00 in our school atrium.
16 days ago, EPSD73
clip art
Thank you to our 8th-grade staff for helping organize the donations to the Interfaith Action of Evanston Sack Lunch Program. Each year, 8th graders sponsor this program during their Great Depression Unit.
17 days ago, EPSD73
8th grade pictures
“A team is not a group of people who work together; it's a group of people who trust each other”-Sinek #EPSsports
18 days ago, EPSD73
sports players picture
Congratulations to our Musical Panthers on their recent solo performances! Students performed in an amazing concert with the Northshore Concert Band at Northwestern University. Wishing our Musical Panthers good luck at the IGSMA Solo and Ensemble Contest on February 22nd at Chute Middle School. Thank you to Mr Berlinghof for your dedication to helping our students achieve success! #music
21 days ago, EPSD73
musical pictures
Congrats to our very own Natalie DiMaria, who won an award from the Illinois State Board of Education for "Those Who Excel & Teacher of the Year." Natalie was given this award in the category of Meritorious Service as an Early Career Educator. Natalie is an exemplary teacher who shows the utmost caring and kindness towards her students. We are so proud of her!
21 days ago, EPSD73
teacher of the year
ONE WEEK AWAY- Community of Care Night- Join us next week as we come together as a community to support the social-emotional well-being of our friends, families, and students throughout Skokie.
22 days ago, EPSD73
community care flyer
Thank you to Ms Wade for kicking off our Wednesday professional development by reminding us to acknowledge and appreciate the everyday things in life. We appreciate you helping the staff practice gratitude today!
23 days ago, EPSD73
Staff PD picture