
Pre-K and kindergarten families, please see the link specifically for pre-K and kindergarten enrollment.

Returning EPS Families

Registration for returning students for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Wednesday, March 26th.
You must register your child every year by confirming and/or updating student demographic information and signing permissions. Registration will be done online through your
PowerSchool account. Instructions can be found here.

Proof of Residency for Returning Students
Returning families will be run through Tracers software to determine residency status. Families that pass the screening will not be required to provide residency paperwork during registration. Any families which are flagged by the Tracers software will be notified and will be asked to provide proof of residency documents.
The required documents can be found here.

Please reach out to Kathy McMichael (kmcmichael@eps73.net) or Paula Mueller (pmueller@eps73.net) in the main office (847-673-1141) if you have any questions.

Families New to East Prairie School (other than Pre-K and Kindergarten)

Welcome! If you are enrolling your child(ren) for the 2024-2025 school year, you can begin the process by completing the pre-registration form online. Once the form is received and approved by school staff, you will receive further instructions via email on how to complete the enrollment process. If you will be enrolling for. the 2025-2026 school year, you can use the same link on or after 2/26/2025.

We will also need an identity document for your child (i.e. birth certificate, passport and sworn statement, visa and sworn statement, doctor or hospital records and sworn statement) and a parent or guardian’s ID to be copied (i.e. driver’s license, state ID, passport).

You will also need to prove residency within District 73's boundaries. Please see the chart for proof of residency requirements.  Residency documents must be submitted in paper form to the school office. Enrollment cannot be completed until all required residency documents are received.

Please reach out to Kathy McMichael (kmcmichael@eps73.net) or Paula Mueller (pmueller@eps73.net) in the main office (847-673-1141) to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions.

Transportation/Bus Service

East Prairie School District 73 families who are interested in bus services for the 2025-2026 school year will have the opportunity to enter our transportation services lottery. A Google form is linked to the online enrollment/registration forms. You will be asked to provide information on the number of riders and your desired route (Birchwood & Brummel routes).

Families who are selected in the lottery will be required to complete registration and proof of residency (if required) before they are considered for a spot on the bus. At the time of selection, families will be asked to pay the transportation fees and spots will not be held if payment is not received.

School Supplies

School supplies can be ordered as a kit online through The Write-Stuff or purchased separately based on the school supply list.

School Lunches & School Fees

Payment for Lunch & School Fees

East Prairie School District 73 uses a convenient process for paying for school lunches and fees called PushCoin. Please see our Pushcoin sign-up flyer for more information on creating an account. 2025-2026 fees will be assigned to student accounts and invoices and payment instructions will be sent via email.

Free/Reduced Lunch & School Fee Waiver 

• Please visit nslpapp.com to apply online. This application needs to be renewed annually. You will be notified whether you were approved or denied for free or reduced lunch. If you qualify for these, you will automatically receive a school fee waiver.

• Questions? Please email business@eps73.net