East Prairie Health Office

East Prairie School has a health office staffed by an RN who is available to provide needed first aid, administer daily physician-prescribed medication, and support student health plans. School Nurse, Hannah Sahyouni (RN, BSN) oversees all health services.

Contact Nurse Hannah:

hsahyouni@eps73.net - 847-673-1176

Required Health Forms


2nd Graders

6th Graders

New to EPS

All incoming Kindergarten students are required to turn in:

-Updated Physical Exam Form

-Proof of vaccinations

-Dental Exam Form

-Vision Exam Form

All incoming 2nd graders are required to turn in:

-Dental Exam Form

All incoming 6th grade students are required to turn in:

-Updated Physical Exam

-Proof of having received 6th grade vaccinations

-Dental Exam Form

All new students are required to turn in:

-Updated Illinois Physical Exam Form

-Proof of vaccinations

-Dental Exam Form

-Vision Exam Form

Students Participating in Sports:

Any student participating in a sport at EPS must have a physical turned in from within 365 days. Sports physicals and school physicals are BOTH acceptable for sports participation. Physicals are valid for 1 year from the date of exam.

Sickness and School Attendance

Please keep your student home if they are feeling sick.

  • Stay home if:

    • Fever over 100.4 anytime in the last 24 hours

    • Throwing up anytime in the last 24 hours

    • Diarrhea anytime in the last 24 hours

    • Within 24 hours of the start of antibiotics

  • Please call or email Nurse Hannah, or Mrs. Mueller in the front office to report your child's absence. 847-673-1176 - hsahyouni@eps73.net

Student Health Information

Students with any health impairment or diagnosis should contact Nurse Hannah before the start of the school year.

Medication At School

Any student needing medication at school needs to fill out the medication authorization form for each medication. And have these forms signed by a doctor. All medication must not be expired and in their original, labeled packaging.

Hearing and Vision Screenings

As mandated by IDPH, (Illinois Department of Public Health), students in grades pre-K, K, 1, 2, 3, special education, new students or students referred by teachers will receive hearing screening by the school nurse.  Vision screening is completed for students in grades Pre-K, K, 2, 8, special education, new students and parent and teacher referrals. Parents will be notified with a letter and results sent home only if their child does NOT pass the screenings.

Public Health Information and Data

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the reasons that the school nurse will call a parent while a child is at school? The school nurse will call you if your child:

-is injured at school and needs follow up at home

-has a fever, vomits, or has diarrhea

-has an injury involving the neck or head

-missing health forms

-requests for the school nurse to call you

What is the school's lice policy?

Any student with live lice may remain in school until the end of the day. The student will be instructed to avoid head-to-head contact and avoid sharing clothing items. The nurse will provide the parent/guardian information about the treatment of head lice. The student may be involved in this conversation as well. Immediate treatment at home is advised, as well as recommending all members of the family to be checked.

The student will be checked by the nurse the following school day; if it is determined that the student still has active lice, the nurse will contact the student’s parent/guardian to discuss treatment. The nurse may provide resources or referrals to the Skokie Health Department and other agencies for additional resources as needed.

Scheduled lice checks will not be conducted throughout the school year, but on an as needed basis if there is a concern for a student exhibiting symptoms of head lice. In order to protect the privacy of the affected student(s), letters to notify students/families of head lice will not be distributed. Staff shall maintain the privacy of students identified as having lice.

Can the school nurse give my child Tylenol or ibuprofen if he/she needs it during the school day?
Only if there is a Medication Authorization Form signed by a parent and physician on file, and your student has a stock of the medication kept in the nurse's office.  This form can be found on the district website. Then the nurse can give the medication whenever the student needs it.

My child needs to be excused from PE class. Can I write an excuse note?
If a student cannot participate in PE we need a doctor's note with their restrictions listed. If it is a temporary reason, please contact Nurse Hannah.

Can my child use the elevator at school?
Doctors notes that specify the need for use of the elevator are required for elevator usage.

I am going out of town. Who needs to know? 
The nurse needs a written note or email stating who to contact in case your child gets sick or injured while you are away.

My child got sent home sick from school, what now? 
Kids sent home with fever (>100.4, vomiting, or diarrhea), need to be fever/vomiting/diarrhea FREE for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school.

My phone number changed, does that matter? 
Yes! The nurse and school office need to have updated phone numbers for parents, guardians, and emergency contacts so that we can reach you during school hours.

My student carries their own inhaler/Epi pen, do I need to tell the school? 
The nurse needs to be made aware of any and all health needs, diagnoses, and medications.

Community Health Resources

Free or Accepting Medicaid Health Centers

Ronald McDonald Care Mobile

The Advocate Care Mobile comes right to East Prairie to provide physicals and vaccines for free to any uninsured or publicly insured students. They come twice in the fall, one for flu shots, and one for physicals+vaccines, and another time in the spring for physicals+vaccines. Please reach out to Nurse Hannah to sign up!

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