D219 Student Data Sharing Permission

In the past, Niles Township District 219 has used the PSAT as a data point for placement purposes. However, during the 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 School year and the restrictions COVID-19 as placed on all of us, Niles Township District 219 did not administer the PSAT 8/9 this year.

Due to these unprecedented circumstance, D219 would like to continue to use the following information to help us with your child's future placements at District 219:

● 8th grade teacher course recommendations and MAP (Measure of Academic Progress). We are confident that this information will help us place students in the appropriate courses.

● D219 administrators and specialists will be available for all of our sender schools to ensure that the placements are as informed as possible.

If you do not intend to enroll at District 219 for 9th grade please contact the office at East Prairie School and we will help you with this request.